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Get detail information about the song i. Musical composition and background history of the song: This page contains lyric of Tagore song protidin tabo gatha gabo and its transliteration in English with background history. The other related elements of this song like translation in English and Hindi, notation in Bengali swaralipi , staff notation western which are available in other pages, please find the related links below. Nearly unique Tagore songs. Find Rabindra sangeet - Song starts with: Collection of Rabindra Sangeet Sung by the talented and upcoming singers published in this site.

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Click to post your feedback at Geetabitan forum. Visit the following links. List of available Staff Notation and Midi.

Pratidin Tabo Gatha

Detail information about Rabindra Sangeet. List of available English Translation. We have also provided the pdf's of lyric, notation and staff notation with midi with downloadable links so that people may find it easier to get the song and notations in printed format.

Lyric and background history with taal, raag, parjaay. Musical events organized by this website on the occasion of Pachishe Boishakh. Is this website helpful to you? Singers album Sung by selected Rabindra Sangeet singers.

Pratidin Tabo Gatha - Sagar Sen | Shazam

Find Rabindra sangeet - Song starts with: Saadhana O Sankalpa Taal: In the year and This page contains lyric of Tagore song protidin tabo gatha gabo and its transliteration in English with background history. Pratidin tobo gatha gabo aami sumadhur Tumi deho more katha, tumi deho more sur Tumi jadi koro pran tobo preme paripur, Pratidin tobo gatha gabo aami sumadhur Tumi shono jodi pratiidn amar samukhe thani, Sudha jodi kore dan tomar udar akhi, Tumi jodi dukh pore rakh koro snehobhore, Tumi jodi sukh hote dambha karoha dure, Pratidin tabo gatha gabo aami sumadhur Tumi shono jodi gan amar samukhe thaki, Sudha jodi kore dan gwtha udar akhi, Tumi jodi praatidin porerakh karo snehobhore, Tumi jodi sukh hote dambha karaho dur, Pratidin tobo gatha gabo ami sumudhur.

Nearly unique Tagore songs. All the lyrics, notations, background history with detail musical compositions, English translation and many more.

Musical composition and background history of the song: Collection of Rabindra Sangeet Sung by the talented and upcoming singers published in this site. Get detail information about the song i.

Song protidin tabo gatha gabo | Lyric and History

List of available Hindi Translation. This page also contains the musical composition of song like parjaay, taal, raag and ango. Sung by the verified singers of this website.

Background of the song includes the place yatha date of the song written by Rabindranath, name of the newspaper or magazine the song was first published in and the name of the person who had prepared the notation or swaralipi. The other related elements of this song like translation in English and Hindi, notation in Bengali swaralipistaff notation western which are available in other pages, please find the related links below.


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